
Cleansing, 30 Day Reset, Schedule, and Must See TV!

So, I began a 30 day cleanse yesterday and let's be honest, Day 1 was going great until the evening. And then the hummus called to me. I demolished the entire container. I suppose it could have been worse...it could have been ice cream. Still, disappointed in myself...so, today, I am cleansing! Yes, I periodically… Continue reading Cleansing, 30 Day Reset, Schedule, and Must See TV!


Taking a Break…Not What You May Think

After a weekend of stadium and water park food, hubs and I needed a break. A break from the wine, cheese, breads, crackers...all of it. So, with the prompting of another friend needing a break, we decided on an impromptu cleanse day. It hasn't been too bad and I am already feeling better. My gut… Continue reading Taking a Break…Not What You May Think


This Week’s Schedule and Thoughts on Podcasting

My schedule this week is already crazy! Between teaching, cooking, cleaning, prepping for school, and I also found out I didn't win the podcasting contest but will be podcasting anyway...my Pitta dosha (fire...your classic Type A) hates losing, but I know I need to be humbled to remind myself to BE humble! I had never… Continue reading This Week’s Schedule and Thoughts on Podcasting


Reflections and Shadows

Reflections...I am part of a group that has decided to take a photograph every day. We receive prompts to help inspire but many of the professionals in the group often go off prompt. I am certainly not a professional...and I would hazard that I am not really even a hobbyist. But, I do want to… Continue reading Reflections and Shadows